TIP #18
Call a supportive friend when you feel the need to use tobacco. Share your feelings with this person.

Quit Smoking Today Project!
ABOUT STOP Tobacco related statistics for Indiana residents are alarming:Indiana ranks 6th highest in smoking in USTobacco kill approximately 10,000 Hoosiers every year. 27 Hoosiers die every day from tobacco-related illnesses.Over 40% of 12th graders currently smoke.57% of infants born in Indiana went home to smoke-filled environments.Smoking costs every man, woman, and child in Indiana $548 per year for health-related costs.15.1% of pregnant women in St. Joseph County smoke cigarettes (Indiana ranks 12th highest in infant mortality).Program:

Residents notice an increased amount of advertisement and publicity to increase awareness regarding local tobacco activities and deceptive tobacco industry practices.

The program has four essential components: Building Strong Communities Based Partnerships, including Diverse Partnerships Protecting Hoosiers from Environment Tobacco Smoke Reduce Youth Initiation to Tobacco Promoting and Using Cessation Resources
I'm young. I can quit anytime.

According to Bacchus and Gamma, smoking just 4 cigarettes can give a person a 90% chance of becoming addicted. Young adults, ages 18-24, are among the most targeted groups when it comes to tobacco use. An estimated 1 out of 9 college student's will die of a tobacco-related illness according to The Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium.

In 2007, nearly two-thirds (60.9%) of students who ever smoked cigarettes daily tried to quit smoking cigarettes; however, among those who tried to quit, only 12.2% were successful. While the prevalence of success in quitting did not vary by sex or race/ethnicity, more students in 9th grade (22.9%) than in 10th grade (10.7%), 11th grade (8.8%) and 12th grade (10.0%) were successful at quitting. 31% of college students use tobacco and half of them would like to quit.

Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW from 8 am to midnight, 7 days-a-week to talk to a trained Quit Coach and receive immediate help. The Quit Coach will assess your level of addiction and propose a plan that is tailored to you. It's that simple.

The Indiana Tobacco Quitline will help you break your dependency on tobacco products, and it's FREE! They will answer any questions and show you the best way to quit.

You can also visit: TobaccoFreeU.org for more info and help.

Adolescents Face Challenges Quitting Smoking

Only a small percentage of high-school students who want to stop smoking are successful in achieving abstinence, Reuters reported May ...

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